BingGator – gnome shell extension

This extension sets the Gnome desktop background from the Bing wallpaper of the day!

The source code is on GitHub:

Copy or extract folder “” from this github repo to “~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions” then restart Gnome Shell and enable extension from extensions manager.

This is my first GnomeShell extension and I’ve been making it just for fun. There is a startup tool in gnome for creating an extension gnome-shell-extension-tool.

#> gnome-shell-extension-tool --create
gnome-shell-extension-tool is deprecated, use gnome-extensions instead
Name should be a very short (ideally descriptive) string.
Examples are: “Click To Focus”, “Adblock”, “Shell Window Shrinker”

So it is depreciated, OK, then I will use: gnome-extensions create -i

#> gnome-extensions create -i                                                                                                                 (5m 6s 223ms)  
Name should be a very short (ideally descriptive) string.
Examples are: “Click To Focus”, “Adblock”, “Shell Window Shrinker”
Name: TestExtenson

Description is a single-sentence explanation of what your extension does.
Examples are: “Make windows visible on click”, “Block advertisement popups”, “Animate windows shrinking on minimize”
Description: Bla Bla

UUID is a globally-unique identifier for your extension.
This should be in the format of an email address (

Choose one of the available templates:
1) Plain       –  An empty extension
2) Indicator   –  Add an icon to the top bar
Template [1-2]: 2

The new extension was successfully created in /home/ristepan/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

Then simply go to the extension folder and type: code.

or whatever you want to edit your extension.

For testing the code I used:

dbus-run-session — gnome-shell –nested

First, you need to enable the created extension:

gnome-extensions enable

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