Tuples are a fundamental data structure in Python, offering a way to store ordered and immutable collections of elements. Unlike their mutable counter…
Building High-Performance Web Services with Rust Introduction Rust, a systems programming language developed by Mozilla, has gained considerable popul…
Script without Logging Keeping your system up to date is an important task for maintaining security and stability, but it can be time-consuming to man…
Interesting application from high school project for learning react.js and using REST services. Here is github link. And here is live and functional s…
Working installation: covid19.sman.cloud Source code of the API used in this application is COVID19-API Several public API is used as data sources: Co…
This is the original article on GitHub site. After you've checked for existing SSH keys, you can generate a new SSH key to use for authentication, the…
Quite a few frameworks have built-in HTTP APIs. Angular 2 has the http module, JQuery has $.ajax, and, up until Vue 2.0, Vue.js had vue-resource. In V…